
General Discussion related to the Plazma Burst game series!


Postby civil security light37 » 17 January 2024, 23:35

I'm not big into discord so I have basically no news on what goes on with moderation or whatever.
Who is lin? Why is she a dev now? I'm a bit curious on who our new empress is and how to avoid getting banned by her.
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Re: Lin?

Postby paulstin » 18 January 2024, 00:11

I find Lin a helpful member of the PB2 staff team, she will deal with any problem quick, she has also spent a lot of time improving Pb2 for players.


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Re: Lin?

Postby pb dman » 18 January 2024, 00:58

civil security light37 wrote:I'm not big into discord so I have basically no news on what goes on with moderation or whatever.
Who is lin? Why is she a dev now? I'm a bit curious on who our new empress is and how to avoid getting banned by her.

Lin has been hosting the chinese servers for a pretty long time now (2 years now?), eventually becoming developer after been handed to by Eric Gurt. I don't think she will ban you unless you obviously break rules which any other staff is just as capable of banning you xd
Playing PB2 since 2015!

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Re: Lin?

Postby broforce1 » 24 January 2024, 18:56

civil security light37 wrote:Who is lin?... and how to avoid getting banned by her.

Become her boyfriend, simple.
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Re: Lin?

Postby Civil_Boss » 29 March 2024, 04:06

civil security light37 wrote:I'm not big into discord so I have basically no news on what goes on with moderation or whatever.
Who is lin? Why is she a dev now? I'm a bit curious on who our new empress is and how to avoid getting banned by her.

Generally it shouldn't be of concern when a new member joins the staff team, if taken through face value of course.

As long as she assists in keeping the community at check through the Website's Code Of Conduct, and doesn't mis-manage her power, then there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

Not sure why a forum post had to be made for this discussion, but I haven't been here in a while so I've got some catching up to do.
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