Ask some cringe questions

General Discussion related to the Plazma Burst game series!

Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby phsc » 17 June 2020, 10:37

we live in a society
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby eru_ » 17 June 2020, 10:45

phsc wrote:we live in a society

We live in a f*cked up world *
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby ECC9 » 17 June 2020, 10:46

is that a question or an assumption ?
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby phsc » 17 June 2020, 11:08

why not both
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby ECC9 » 17 June 2020, 17:34

i dont know but yes
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby Girl_Power » 24 June 2020, 23:26

Why is this topic still alive? And why am I posting on this near-dead topic?
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby ECC9 » 25 June 2020, 10:29

eru likes to create such noob topics like this to keep alive, and later he locks topics by saying it's not on-topic anymore and we fvcked up his topic so yeah thats why
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby broforce1 » 26 June 2020, 13:56

ECC9 wrote:eru likes to create such noob topics like this to keep alive, and later he locks topics by saying it's not on-topic anymore and we fvcked up his topic so yeah thats why

man, i see you make feedbacks on some comments, you literally got brain damage.
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby eru_ » 26 June 2020, 14:05

1. Is Ohy Eric Gurt?
Ohy's English is too poor to be Eric
2. Why is Avre a Loli?
3. Can the Android become human?
Vise versa probably
4. Why does an Usurpation have the same intelligence level as a chicken?
Maybe because they are modified chickens ?
5. Is this topic cringe worthy enough to win the Guinness World Record?
6. If Falkoks returned for a full scale invasion, would you run for your lives?
I would Join the Falkok's side
7. Can humans revolt against the alien race and take over the universe?
No they can't, as long as Trump exists
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby ECC9 » 26 June 2020, 21:13

broforce1 wrote:
ECC9 wrote:eru likes to create such noob topics like this to keep alive, and later he locks topics by saying it's not on-topic anymore and we fvcked up his topic so yeah thats why

man, i see you make feedbacks on some comments, you literally got brain damage.

yes, defend your 8yrsold friends from my brain damage so they dont get hurt ^-^
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby eru_ » 26 June 2020, 21:22

ECC9 wrote:
broforce1 wrote:
ECC9 wrote:eru likes to create such noob topics like this to keep alive, and later he locks topics by saying it's not on-topic anymore and we fvcked up his topic so yeah thats why

man, i see you make feedbacks on some comments, you literally got brain damage.

yes, defend your 8yrsold friends from my brain damage so they dont get hurt ^-^

Me 8 year old ? ... 431&crop=1
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby ECC9 » 27 June 2020, 09:02

who is talkin bout you? no one said eru or smth

idk why u think ur in middle of everythin, no one cares bout you dude
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby ValkiOval » 30 June 2020, 19:04

1. How can helmet-less proxy take a shot the same as a ny other character with a helmet?

2. When headshotted why do players still make their death-noise?

3. Are Civils secretly another race of aliens?

4. What if PB2 was real, and so was selfboosting, even getting 10 feet off the ground with some sword cutting?

5. What internal fluids do Androids have, energon like Transformers?

6. Is cringe an overused word?

7. How can you differentiate between smurfs and actual guests?
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby astrodex pl » 27 November 2020, 08:22

2015-2017 succ

2018 i created my first acc after 2018 update

2019 i started modding and i posted my first vids on yt and i joined and got banned from discord

2020 im advanced pb2 player and i want leave this game sometimes because its almost dead and laggy as fu
My purpose makes more sense when i look at insanity around that world
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby Tortoise » 27 November 2020, 19:35

What if the real Plazma Burst 3 was the friends we made along the way? Eric Gurt, you sneaky bastard, you.
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby broforce1 » 27 November 2020, 20:39

well i could have the best quiz in the world that makes you cringe:
cringe questions are unessecary questions in general, only the people who act stupid asks those questions that make people cringe, also silly quiz: like for example:

urm, well i'm not cringy enough to ask some shit
but i will try

Spoiler: Show More
-how to ask something cringe
-how to seduce girls in pb2, even acting like a sis
-how to bully somebody and not being captured on tape?
-how is dying feels like
-how cool is to kiss somebody on the lips
-what is games
-how to start up a game
-how to hack the game
-how to win
-how to shit without shitting
-how to make cringe
-should i do something that is cool
-how to friend a staff
-what is like to be drunk
-how to say a good joke
-how bad is licking the toilet
-can we shut down
-how to be a noob player
-how to hack everything in this community

ok now into a higher level, lets go:

-eric gurt is a girl?
-could i have a family from having a friend list?
-noir lime's rifle is long enough to frick proxy?
-is noir lime is gae from making his gun longer?
-is noir lime is a monkey?
-is marine is a potato head?
-are falkoks are cocks or aka falcocks?
-falkoks, more like falcocks, do that mean that fal= they fall, kok = cock, so that means that they fall down on cocks?
-why the androids are smiling
-do the CS ghosts drank up roasted chemical milk so their blood became white, also invisible?
- are the civilians black?
- is PB2 skins are racist?
- do proxy feels the rape when she got hurt? (appears that she moans when she got pain)
-usurpations forces mean rape forces?
- did noir lime wanted to suck the sword bot dildo when he tried to go thru?

well that is so far so good.

that is a bit confusing
-how to be someone that is you already but you dont know who are you anyway and you know that i know that you dont know that i know that you know that you dont know that i know that we dont know
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby Girl_Power » 27 November 2020, 23:42

1) When is this pandemic going to end?
2) When will PB3 be released?
3) Why is PB2 so dead?
4) Why is no one checking out this new video that Mingo1 made?
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby EOw » 29 November 2020, 21:58

1. Is the Coronavirus deadly?
2. Is the Coronavirus like the flu?
3. Is the Coronavirus painful?
4. Why is the Coronavirus called "COVID-19" and "Coronavirus" at the same time, if they mean the same thing?

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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby Gashadokuro » 26 April 2022, 23:18

Is there a God?
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Re: Ask some cringe questions

Postby verecund gazelle » 26 April 2022, 23:21

Gashadokuro wrote:Is there a God?

whatchu know about rolling down in the deep?
This is what I get for rating all my maps 1 star

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