PC version of SD3D?

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PC version of SD3D?

Postby cooce » 1 April 2023, 19:04

Would be cool if we were able to download SD3D and play on PC as game can be played without lags on PC unlike in browser (with pretty small quality as 0.3 lol)
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Re: PC version of SD3D?

Postby Eric Gurt » 3 April 2023, 01:49

I do feel like Star Defenders 3D is laggy due to voxel rendering. Besides that it would run much faster if it was just an arena-like shooter game.

Reworking everything with a pixelated textures and 3D models was one of quite possible scenarios for this game if I ever had time to continue working on it.

You can try WebKit browsers like Chrome/Edge/Opera perhaps too - they run much better than Firefox in case of SD3D.
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