Synthesia Turn 1

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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby WolfMaster12 » 16 January 2018, 20:46

Armando thinks a bit, then says with with a calm tone: "I'll choose to take out the Brothers of Arms. Just one rule: no screwing over, got it?"
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby lrv » 19 January 2018, 19:05

Edit to my charcter: he was created in a lab 2010 not 2077. SOrry for saying 2100, was by accident.
Also I want the faction to be Protectorate.
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby ustopable » 25 January 2018, 14:30

Synthesia Turn 4

Hi giys ill post a catch up post for Garuda 1 and Irv. The catch up for Garuda will be a summarized version of what happened in that turn since I accidentally closed the forum while im typing on the forum.

See Turn 3

On the Giants Shadow

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”Alright then” he whistled and a dog came. A german sherpherd to be exact, he seems to be the classic survivor of the apocalypse. He followed you. The road have cracks everywhere and broken cars are spread throughout the road. You remembered that Protectorate soldiers always goes in and out of Gibratar and Gibratar became one of their base of operations but when the government was endangered. Protectorate Soldiers left Gibratar and moved to a place nearer to Silver City. That’s how Fort Knox was formed in its former area. The war is long and The Protectorate made multiple diplomatic treaties but nothing works. So for treaties to work they need to engage in a fight with the naturals and normals to scare them. The treaty eventually worked accepting that the Naturals and Normals are in the same level, same team but in exchanged Protectorate lose so many soldiers that they are not a threat to criminals. Hundreds and thousand of bandits formed their own groups and run havoc to the country. And Brother of Arms is one of them.

“Duck” said by Dirk. He pointed at the massive beast walking in the road. It’s a behemoth, a mammoth like creature. Ice breath that could possibly freeze us and massive feets could crush us but that thing is slow. He also made a gesture in the city on the horizon. Gibratar to be exact. Its only about 40 minute and we could already see it but it will take another 20 minute of travel to arrive. Travel time by vehicle is about 30 minutes without traffic. But he’s not referring to the city but the Bandits, Brother of Arms to be exact and they are going to approach the beast. “If that thing is angered, we’re dead. Its either we go back and wait for a while or take out those bandits before they could anger it but we can’t make loud noises or the Behemoth will still notice us. Plan?”

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Active Ability: Chilling breath- Release an ice cold breath that have a high chance of freezing enemies. (2 turn cooldown)
Strength: 20
Perception: 5
Endurance: 20
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 5

Bandit x3
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Equipped: Metal Plating
Shotgun (+3 damage if enemies is close)

Neophyte Bandit x10
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Equipped: Pistol (+1 penetration, +1 damage)

Bandit Squad Leader
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Equipped: Anti Tank Sniper Rifle (+1 damage +1 penetration. Desl more damage against mechanical enemies)
Metal Plating (+3 protection, -2 protection against lightning attacks)

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Passive Ability: Instinct- Detect enemies even without line of vision.
Assistant-Enemies that was attack by the dog gets the enemy agility reduced by 1.


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”Of course ill keep my word. I am not the owner of this Adventure Guild if i don’t keep my promise” he picks some coins while he said it. “Well off you go then. Take the roads it is much more safe than walking in the plain”.

Catchup post coming tomorrow
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby lrv » 25 January 2018, 15:26

Sorry for editing my character again, but his name is now Michel K. Carpenter. What the K means remains unknown. I did this so if someone really called Michel Carpenter doesn't get mad at me.
Last edited by lrv on 30 January 2018, 05:59, edited 1 time in total.
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A catchup post

Postby ustopable » 28 January 2018, 06:43


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Roger that said by Ark and Dragunov. Dragunov set up his Bowgun while Ark prepared his Anti Tank Sniper Rifle. You pulled out your gun and shoot at the enemy supported by Dragunov. it didn’t die so you fired a second shot and the Krmmgar died. 3 Krmmgar sighted you and Dragunov shouted “Ark lets take that one down” pointing at the Krmmgar in the middle. They took aim and Dragunov fired first injuring the Krmmgar in the legs while Ark shell completely killed the Krmmgar. The 2 Krmmgar charged at your position while the other 6 entered the outpost.

“Guys I need to reload give me cover” said by Ark (50 Caliber Anti Tank Sniper Rifle will take 1 turn to reload and a single turn to fire 1 shot).

Jhunalyn and Ace didn’t make a move. Hiding in the tall grass.

Winter of the Wolves

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”The hell? There is nothing to find here said by your mate named Ivan. “There is nothing but wolves, Falcons, and Wolves”. You seem to agree your leader particularly said there is a secret base of the Protectorate In these mountains but there is nothing to see. “Mountains? Mountains! There is nothing worse than mountains” said by Ivan. What is the worse thing in the world? is to listen to Ivan whine. He has always been that whiny but everything he is saying right now is true but you also wished you could shut his mouth for his sake because there is another pack of wolves coming.

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no details

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Name: Michel K. Carpenter
Gender: Male
Type: Normal
Element: Gas(Air)
Passive Ability: Gasmask (All damage caused by gases, particles and liquids gets -2 damage.)
Active Ability: Strength( he can one time reduce damage of attacks that hit him by -2)
Strength: 6
Perception: 7
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 7
Equipped Items: Acid (When used at an enemy makes 1 damage and 1 penetration. It's useable 1 times in total, every use leaves behind a contaminated glass bottle.)
(Relic)Pistol-CSPro (+2 damage per use, 1 bullet equipped)
(Relic)Discharged Usurpation Rifle(auto recharge device missing, not rechargeable)
Simple Batterie
"God old Minigun" Broken Minigun (no ammo left)
Faction: Protectorate
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby lrv » 28 January 2018, 08:28

"Look, we are both sitting in the same boat. So would you one time quit complaining? Also have you got unused melee weapons or ammo?"
If he says yes Carpenter takes some Ivan doesn't need.
The first wolf will be shot by the CS-Pro, on the second one the acid will be thrown.
Then Carpenter says:"Come with me!" And starts running away in the direction of the valley.
Last edited by lrv on 28 January 2018, 16:06, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby WolfMaster12 » 28 January 2018, 09:34

(O shit, i forgot to state the extra damage the Fire of Flaming Rounds deals per turn and how many turns it lasts, sorry, I just recognized it, can I add it?)

"Alright, I guess we have made a deal, sir. Thanks for the advice, by the way." Armando says, friendlily waving at the bartender and starting to walk along where the correct roads guide.
Last edited by WolfMaster12 on 30 January 2018, 14:18, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby thetoppestkek » 28 January 2018, 10:57

(My first combat sequence is an optional 3v14 battle? Are you for real?)

"There's simply too many of them. We'll get overwhelmed by the time that thing arrives. Let's just backtrack away and leave the mammoth to them.", Arias says, her legs shaking upon the sight of the massive bandit group.
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby lrv » 28 January 2018, 19:02

Just out of curiosity: Why have you removed the description of my charcter and haven't made a profile for Ivan?
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby ustopable » 28 January 2018, 23:17

lrv wrote:Just out of curiosity: Why have you removed the description of my charcter and haven't made a profile for Ivan?

In combat you only need your stats for combat not your description. We will get back to it to your backstory mission.
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby Garuda 1 » 29 January 2018, 23:29

'Jhunalyn, Ace, engage at will.' I say, firing off another burst at the closest Krmmgar. If it survives, I fire off a second burst, otherwise I change targets to the next one.
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Re: Synthesia Turn 5

Postby ustopable » 8 February 2018, 12:38

Synthesia Turn 5
For Neoexdeath. See turn 3.
Sorry for the late post. Double thesis and lots of summative test makes studying and keeping up with this hard.

On the Giants Shadow
(And an optional mini boss battle)

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”Okay then” said by Dirk. You two backed out and watched. The 14 approached and initiated a battle with the Behemoth. They open fired at the monster and in a one glare the leader ran and the behemoth released an ice cold breath freezing many neophyte bandits and in one stomp all of the frozen neophyte died. The battle continue it looks like it won’t end until later.

“Pst we can walk in this trenches and sneak past them and from my instinct there are also a few wild animals hiding here. This is better than doing nothing at all.” Said by Dirk “I just noticed this right now sorry for my mistake in my suggestion”

Sure state what is does and ill do it

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You began you long travel towards Outpost Gibratar. Some people passed by and said “ hey dude you go there you die. Protectorate send adventurers. Very deadly adventurers. Go there with caution my friend.” Ofcourse his bad english makes you want to cover your ears but its a warning from the people who are passing by. You would like to return a greeting but you heard a shot from a distance and the person in front of you died. “COVER COVER QUICKLY” the passers said and quickly ducked to the side of the roads particularly in the right side of the road including yourself. “Sniper from Brotherhood of Arms. Very deadly engage with caution”. You heard another shot and it hit an area near you. This isn’t a joke. They are trying to kill you. You looked briefly and saw a reflection of a light from a distant cabin with open windows. You heard several gun fire near you and hitting your area luckily it didn’t hit you. Seems like its a machinegun of some sort. Based from your hearing it came from the woods in the left about 10-30 miles away from you.

Unknown enemies
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No Information


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”We heard you loud and clear but I can’t approach those Krmmgar with their massive claws. I need to surprise it maybe call it from a distant” said by Jhunalyn and Ace agreed. (I didn’t show their stats yet sorry) they are using melee weapons and those Krmmgar looks deadly when approached

You fired a single shot supported by Dragunov your hit makes a decent damage to the Krmmgar’s Torso and Dragunovs bolt injured it in the legs. Your second shot did kill it and you change target to the other one. Dragunov fired a secod shot which damaged the Krmmgar’s Torso. Seemingly it didn’t mind the pain and still run towards your position. Upon reaching the tall grasses you’re hiding, Jhunalyn and Ace jumped out of the grass and Jhunalyn using his rocket powered hammer slammed the Krmmgar’s Head and Ace using his Fire Synthesia set his arms on fire and made a strong punch to the Krmmgar’s Torso kill the Krmmgar is the most deadly way.

“Hey leader we’ll go forward near that wall and fire some shots to attract those Krmmgar and we’ll finish it off for you.” Said by Jhunalyn and Ark said “Hey i’m almost done releading. I’m confident that in one shot I could kill a single Krmmgar without help”. “Quickly make a plan Talisman, those Krmmgar will finish off those Soldiers”. You evaluated the area and a single entrance leads to the insides of the camp and no other exits. Two watch towers is in the sides of the road near the wall of the Encampment covered with sandbags. There are no tall grasses in front of the entrance and most of it are trimmed off. Going there won’t hide you from plain sight but as Jhunalyn suggested its a good thing. Asside from that there is a part of the wall in the sides which can be broken with brute force which should be watched out. The facilities inside the camp is small enough for the Krmmgar to fit. It will buy the soldiers some time. Your action is in your hands.

Winter of the Wolves

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”Ill stop complaining if there is NOTHING TO COMPLAIN” he walks back and disappears briefly.

He didn’t listen to you and the wolf takes an initiative but you succesfully dodge it but keeping up with multiple wolves will increase your pressure lowering dodge rate. You took a shot using a pistol to the wolf and it got killed easily. A wolf took another attack but you dodged it easily and used your acid to kill the wolf leaving a contaminated glass bottle. Another wolf made an attack and it bit your arms. You kicked it knocking it back. “Ivan appears from above killing thr wolf and threw a knife to another wolf killing it. The wolf pack retreats, you din’t need to retreat afterall. He pulls of his vodka and drinks and said “In Soviet Anatolia we take advantage of winter not waste.” You could finally breathe but you heard several gun shots from afar and hitting your area. Snipers since you could see the light coming from the scope of their sniper rifle but they are well camoflaged in the snow. You’re pretty sure there are more of them but the snowstorm makes the visibility low.

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Type: Normal
Element: No Synthesia Gauntlet.
Passive Ability: Weather Specialist (Lowers the disadvantage of weather against him).
Active Ability: Shadowstep (Instantly enter stealh if there are hiding spots. While active he moves faster and moves quiet decreasing the chance to reveal him.) Cooldown of 6 Turns
Equipment: Commando’s Knife (+2 Penetration)
Items: Throwing Knives x9 (+1 Penetration, +1 Damage)
Bandage x3 (Lowers the disadvantage of injury)
Vodka x5 (Heals for a small amount, warms the character slightly and gain tipsy status ailment gaining slightly more melee attack damage while lowering the endurance.)
Stats: (Coming soon)
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby lrv » 8 February 2018, 14:30

"Get down!", Carpenter says and hides behind the nearest bullet proof thing. If nothing is nearby he just hides somewhere and crouches. Also he uses his Strength ability on his right arm. If he hides near Ivan he whispers: "Got any melee weapons, an auto recharge device or ammo? Also can you see where the bullets come from?"
BTW can you make the cooldown of the strength ability 5 turns?
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby ustopable » 17 February 2018, 11:55

Synthesia Turn 6

See Turn 5 for the rest

Winter of the Wolves

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You dug deep in the snow. Several shot was fired but it didn’t hit you. Ivan was near you so you initiated a conversation

“Got any melee weapons, an auto recharge device or ammo? Also can you see where the bullets came from”

“Sure” said by Ivan and gave you 4 throwing knives “use it well, so if im gonna predict their area its in that area” but based from my hearing their a fairly spread out in different area. 2 of them in that mountain peak. Turn your head 45 degress left and there are 1 sniper then lastly 3 sniper at 70 degress right. Its just a prediction but i’m never wrong.”. Several shots was fired from exactly 45 degree left
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby maxim12 » 17 February 2018, 23:14

I love RPG games, can I join in?

(I know this name is bad, but I dont have any creative Ideas for name lol -.-)

Name: Maxwell.
Gender: Male.
Type: Normal.
Element: Lighting.

Insurance - When under critical conditions, like injured, etc, +2 (Or +1) to Endurance.
Bullseye - When active, +2 or +1 (Depends on you balance) to Perception.

* Stats
Perception - 5
Endurance - 3
Agility - 2

AKS-74U (With Flashlight and Kobra sight, does not affect stats, just cosmetic) - Ranged. 1 Penetration and 1 Damage.
Combat Knife - Melee. 2 to Damage.

- 3 Healing potions.
- 3 Teleporting Nades.

Faction: Neo Goverment.

Character Description: Has pretty bad childhood of being bullied in school and being treated badly by others, one of the reasons because he wasnt born with the magical gift, however, he kinda optimistic and try to remeber only the positive stuff. His appereance is basicaly, Black mike, Black jacket, blue jeans, military-like shoes. His hair is black, his eyes are purple (Or brown if It's only for Naturals), his body color is white-european.
He joined the Neo Goverment faction because he was outraged of the unfairness of the Naturals, that they have natural advantage, he belived joining the Neo goverment will make better laws that will compensate the advantages that the Naturals and put the unfairness of both to an end.

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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby lrv » 18 February 2018, 19:32

"We gotta retreat!", Carpenter says and starts running away into the direction of -70°(70° right).
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby WolfMaster12 » 22 February 2018, 15:28

(The Fire of the Flaming Rounds do 1 damage over 3 rounds)

"Don't worry. I have it under control," Armando says, and fires 5 shots to where the sniper shot from.
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby gajacar25 » 2 March 2018, 18:23

Name: Aether
Gender: Male
Type: Natural
Element: Lightning
Passive Ability: Owner of a Lonely Heart(+2 to all attack rolls as long as there is no one else in his party.)
Active Ability: Overcharge(Imbues himself with lightning, gaining +2 to perception and agility, as well as a +2 to his attack rolls. Lasts 2 turns. After Overcharge expires, Aether gains the Drained debuff, giving him -2 to strength and agility for 2 turns.)


Strength: 6
Perception: 10
Endurance: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 6

Weapon: Silver Revolver(+1 damage, +1 penetration) [Loaded: Basic Rounds 6/6]
Body: Loner's Mask(+1 protection, a dark crimson mask with silver visors on the eyes as well as a breather. His speech sounds different from under the mask.)

Items: Bullet straps along his body, with a total of 36 basic rounds for his revolver.
3 vials filled with healing liquid. Can quickly be downed to heal a moderate amount of damage.

Faction: Independent
Backstory and Character Info: 19 years old, his name lost to time, Aether's a relatively tall individual. A most often silent loner, his past unveils why he's the way he is. An ex-mercenary, his company got slaughtered in a skirmish. He was the only survivor, and only survived because of his mask, which blocked a bullet that was headed straight for his head. His fear of losing more people makes him not too keen on hanging around people for too long. He partially blames himself, and is a troubled soul. Now a wanderer, he sees no purpose but to wander, trying to waste his life on adventuring. Seeking solitude forever, he's a skilled gunslinger and reliable friend, if you can make him your friend, that is.

lets hope I didn't miss anything
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby neoexdeath » 3 March 2018, 10:36

Lillie only closes her eyes and nods enthusiastically towards the three soon-to-be grunts, making her light blonde hair to move move as well, accentuating the cuteness of her motions even further. Nevertheless, she then leads the group on the way from Dragon's Ridge -which has a suspicious lack of dragons- to Highway City.

"E-eek, itai!" she whimpers as some random boy bumps into her. The girl glares at him as he runs away, then remembers that she hasn't equipped her gauntlet yet so she reaches into her pack and... "NANI?!!?!?!?!?" she hollers this time, her expression turning into one of pure despair as she realizes that the passport thingy is missing.

Lillie then remembers about the kid from just a moment earlier and concludes that he must've somehow stolen it while she was daydreaming about her husbando, Kenshiro...

Blinking, Lillie slips the gauntlet on her left hand before turning towards where the boy went. "Come back here, you baka bishounen!" she yells while running after him at full speed.
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Re: Synthesia Turn 1

Postby thetoppestkek » 3 March 2018, 11:06

(Since I've seen you mentioning "miles" as distance way too many times in the rolls, can you explain how range is incorporated into the game?)

"The trench it is, then. Let's hope the animals are quiet.", Arias says, rolling her eyes as she inspects her lance for any dirt or other stains on it.
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