This might come as a shock but I notified the staff team about it around 2 months ago. I've decided to
leave the staff and the community due to activity issues that I will be having in the near future. I would like to focus more on my College class especially devoting all of my energy to living my early 20s rather than dealing with PB2 internal staff and community issues/drama (which there is a lot of).
I found out about PB2 on a flash game website called y8.com which brought me to the website to play Multiplayer. Once I found out about it, it immediately became my main game since we couldn't afford a decent PC and to buy the latest games back then. What piqued my interest in PB2 is the ability to create, to innovate, your own imagination into the game by using maps. I wasn't really involved in the competitive scene that much, I remember only having the rank "Advanced Marine" in my profile and a KDr of less than 1. That's why I focused more on Level Editing especially when it comes to roleplay maps. My most notable maps are mrblake213-godordevil, mrblake213-copsandrobbers, mrblake213-whitehouse, mrblake213-school, mrblake213-christmas, and mrblake213-hotel. Aside from mapmaking, I was really active in clans back then. Clans that I still remember that I joined before would be Apoc, SiLence, BoA, DLN, GSA, and many others. I was pretty much active in chats in xat.com before usually chatting on different active xats for hours and essentially earning a reputation of being immature and annoying. Aside from clan xats, I was also active on the site chat in 2015-2016 and conversed with other active players of the community and the staff that aren't in clans. What's funny is that I didn't know the game had any staff members prior to being active on the site chat. I didn't actually see staff members in-game before that time. I actually kept a few screenshots from the site chat (
Additionally, I remember in 2016 that I was accepted into the staff as a trial Support team but sadly, I was kicked out after 2 weeks for being immature (deldo shape). But then, 2017 was a game-changer. It was when PBC was created by Doomzerker. From what I understood, both Tempus nor Eric wasn't really confident with the idea of creating a discord server since it will drive traffic away from the site and the site chat. But at the time, most clans have already moved from xat to Discord so it would make sense to make a primary or central hub for the community on Discord. From the start of its creation, I was one of the most active on it where I was one of the first members of the "beta team" role on the server. I would like to mention Ayano because she was fun to talk to and also a few other regular active people on Discord. In 2019-2020, I applied and was accepted into Discord Staff. After a few months, I was also accepted as Site Staff. My first few months on staff were rough. I had every HM and Admin constantly messaging me to be more mature as I still haven't transitioned my behavior and attitude well from a regular community member to a more-formal staff member. What's ironic is that I haven't changed my behavior from the previous behavior that got me kicked back then. Part of me was anxious that I was going to get kicked again but I'm relieved to know that I was able to last this long. One of the things that I noticed early on inside staff was the staff politics between Tempus being the Head Admin and leading site moderation while Doomwrath being another Admin and owning the Discord which is probably the reason why Site Staff and Discord Staff were separated so Tempus can have his own set of members while Doomwrath has his. It was kind of weird, I didn't actually like the idea. I think it's better to use the Support Team rank as a glorified Discord Moderator rank which is why it's one of the things that I changed when I became an admin. Another thing that I've noticed is how disconnected Eric is from the rest of the staff, the staff with other staff members, and the staff to the community. It's why I've been repeatedly saying that the staff should improve communication and relations between other staff members and the community. It was also annoying how only Eric and a single person have most permissions/tools on-site which mean that you would have to wait at least 3-5+ days in order to get a response from a single problem that a moderator can do in 5 minutes. I tried to fix the communication of the staff team to the community when I was just a Moderator by implementing Discord Events (
https://www.plazmaburst2.com/forum/view ... 28&t=23463). Back then, we had a weekly event in Discord which became monthly due to people getting tired of constantly doing events and me being inactive. It was already getting stale so early which was disappointing. It was fun while it lasted though. For a short time, I hosted events such as Guess that Song, the Plazma Burst Quiz, and even trying to get the community's creativity by doing an event on creating a new Halloween and Christmas Icon for the Discord server, the best Plazma Burst Meme, and the best Plazma Burst Comic Strip. In addition to Discord Events, I also tried to help manage Plazma League. It was infuriating I tell you since I was directly managing a competition that involved the deepest darkest and rudest part of the community. There were a lot of issues even before it started and a lot more while managing it. What was annoying is that I was the only staff member at the time who was heavily involved in it when it comes to PB2 staff decision-making especially when it comes to giving profile titles and awards, and updating the Plazma League page (
When the COVID pandemic started in 2020, it was fun to just waste time and chat with people on Discord until the internal issues within the staff worsen and made being on staff just frustrating and tiring. It wasn't fun anymore and the motivation that I had when I first joined was significantly less. I was just getting fed up with it that I decided to leave staff back in July 2022 during the issue of Doomwrath's rank of Admin. It became a month-long issue when it could've been solved within a week if only the administration was just active in discussing it. After a few hours after me and Wasted Time announced our resignation as Head Moderators, Eric messaged me saying he reformed the staff team and thinking of including me in it. Honestly, at the time, I didn't feel like returning if the issues that I've mentioned wouldn't be fixed and especially when I feel like the game is already dying. I didn't think it was worth it. But after a few days of thinking, I've decided to give it a re-join but only if I could be given the rank of Admin to spearhead the reformation of the new staff (including the creation of a new Discord server) because I didn't see Tempus and Kiriakos's ability to lead the reform during those times as Tempus is inactive and Kiri is also slightly inactive and is mostly neutral on decisions. My main goal within my administration is for the staff to be able to act as one and as a team, where Moderators do not need to depend on the Administrators anymore. We've succeeded in doing that by passing most tools and permissions, which can only be accessed by an Admin before, down to the Moderator and Head Moderator rank. We've successfully changed how the Head Moderator rank worked. Before, it was just a glorified Moderator rank with the ability to recover accounts/reset passwords and the illusion of being above Moderators. Now, a Head Moderator can mostly do anything an Admin can and even be included in the Map Approval Team. Aside from the passing down of staff tools and permissions, we've also succeeded in distributing the power of the Administration to the rest of the staff "team". Before, you would need an Admin to agree with the issues that need to be decided on especially on changes you want to see. Now, we made it so that each staff has one vote and has the ability to decide on issues without an Admin's help. In addition to improving communication and decision-making between staff members, we've also tried to improve staff-to-community communication by accepting support requests by implementing the Discord Support Center. It was just logical to implement it where the community and the staff are more active rather than forcing players and staff to enter into another website. I'd say that one of my greatest achievements of being an admin would be the creation and verification of the Official Plazma Burst Discord server, especially letting Eric Gurt actually own the server. My 3-4 months of being an Admin felt like a year due to the issues that transpired during it. It might have been rough but I'm glad for the changes that I was able to implement and improve within the staff especially in revising the outdated and lengthy Code of Conduct.
Nostalgically, it was pretty fun going back to these memories. It reminded me of a past with fewer problems and where I just come into the game and hang out or come into the chat and talk to people. It was pretty fun since part of it was being able to know people of all ages, of all genders, of all cultures, and nationality. In a way, I think being active in PB2 definitely helped transform who I am today especially when it comes to making me interested in technology, in computers, and being able to be proficient when it comes to communicating with people on the Internet and speaking English.
But sadly, as all things come to an end, I've decided that it's time for me to move on.
Thank you for reading this long paragraph about me, my life in PB2, and my life as a staff member.