Why is Old Old Default on approveds now?

General Discussion related to the Plazma Burst game series!

Why is Old Old Default on approveds now?

Postby Nehil » 10 July 2023, 20:06

I really wonder, why is there the need to keep pulling up the old content that shouldn't be there anymore as default?, i'm aware that theres part of the community that prefers old netcode over everything, but why there's the need to change the default to old old?

my first point comes up with that, new netcode has been a thing since 2019 until june 2023, are we really trying to make players adapt again to the "old times"?

personally, yeah, i used to play old netcode a lot back in 2014, same goes in 2016,2017,etc. but the fact is that most of the ACTUAL population adapted already to the new netcode that was launched back in 2019, the actual community is used to the new udpates, why are we forcing them to re-adapt again?

Are we really trying to delete new netcode now? i know theres an option to choose between "Old Netcode/New Netcode", but the actual players dont really know whats the difference, only the players that have been active since years, and also, the actual "old" netcode, doesnt really work as the old old one, its really hard to have a decent match if there's people with +150 ping, and for +150 ping players, matches are literally the most unpredictable thing that can be ever seen, "prediction" doesn't really work like that, you can predict anything but sometimes it just doesn't work and the game becomes unconsistent.

New MP might have issues, some of them is that "you cannot dodge bullets" (you're not really supossed to dodge bullets on an Arena shooter lol its more about timing) but the main one might be that the actual most played maps are maps that were constructed for old mp gameplay, besides that, i think its pointless to keep bringing up old content that shouldn't be "default" anymore due to the actual udpates into the game that exist for a reason.

Just as a side note: I think its a good option to have old mp there, i mean, there are preferences, i just reject the fact that its "Default" config now, it shouldn't be like that imo

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Re: Why is Old Old Default on approveds now?

Postby broforce1 » 11 July 2023, 22:07

the pb2 multiplayer was kind of a disaster especially for the netcode part, yk its not about netcode only its also about the ping differences between every player, that would have been solved if eric made a different MP server system, hence lin made every match to have its own server, then it can be done similarly like CSGO where it selects the closest server for u instead or letting people choosing a server without knowing how the ping will affect, as for the physics it didnt really matter that much but idk why people still hated the physics update.

and please dont try to cope and say that old netcode is where u dodge and new netcode is where u focus more on killing rather than dodging, it should have been fixed already by eric but i guess he just focuses on pb3, Lin pretty much was only able to re-add both of em together, i guess lin was trying to see if this will bring some positivity since most players hated to play approved maps with the new netcode but its just too late, i dont think players really care if they gonna have to re-adapt on the netcodes or anything cuz none have any clue that its like this.

in conclusion, PB2 was rushed in multiplayer so u get a broken netcode (even with new), the netcode in general wasnt supposed to be that buggy if that game wasnt rushed, yet players tried to adapt with it but its only the minority, now i know that its stupid to make people re-adapt to the old netcode after new one but i guess it doesnt matter at this point, the game is dying, both netcodes are equally bad anyway, and any update that is either good or not wouldnt really change things that much because these recent good updates should have been done way back but i guess most indie developers doesnt own enough time for their games and lin wasnt there back then to support eric earlier as well.
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Re: Why is Old Old Default on approveds now?

Postby Pb2 D » 14 July 2023, 20:34

Nehil wrote:I really wonder, why is there the need to keep pulling up the old content that shouldn't be there anymore as default?, i'm aware that theres part of the community that prefers old netcode over everything, but why there's the need to change the default to old old?

because YOU STINK.
serious notes: having old netcode as default is a great thing, it's a netcode that is better than new from a code standpoint and is synchronized much better than new is. meanwhile, new is a bunch of lazily put together code because eric gurt wanted laggers to have an easier time.

Nehil wrote:my first point comes up with that, new netcode has been a thing since 2019 until june 2023, are we really trying to make players adapt again to the "old times"?

Old netcode was a thing at the peak of PB2 and is the longest standing netcode PB2 has, so it would make sense to appeal to what most people enjoyed.
New netcode ended up making a lot of players leave forever.

Nehil wrote:personally, yeah, i used to play old netcode a lot back in 2014, same goes in 2016,2017,etc. but the fact is that most of the ACTUAL population adapted already to the new netcode that was launched back in 2019, the actual community is used to the new udpates, why are we forcing them to re-adapt again?

Just choose new netcode? At least it isn't like 2019, where eric gurt completely cut off players who ever wanted to play old netcode ever again (I'm also talking about the OLD MP button which players rarely used due to how awkward it was to make a match and get people to play). You HAVE the option to pick the netcode.

Nehil wrote:Are we really trying to delete new netcode now? i know theres an option to choose between "Old Netcode/New Netcode", but the actual players dont really know whats the difference, only the players that have been active since years, and also, the actual "old" netcode, doesnt really work as the old old one, its really hard to have a decent match if there's people with +150 ping, and for +150 ping players, matches are literally the most unpredictable thing that can be ever seen, "prediction" doesn't really work like that, you can predict anything but sometimes it just doesn't work and the game becomes unconsistent.

Exaggeration. It's almost immediately noticeable the difference between old netcode and new netcode. There's even buttons to find out what it all means, so that is a fault on the player, not the system.
The actual ''old netcode'' does work the same as old old one, you are just blinded by nostalgia of how it felt to play back then. I have been playing since 2016 when old netcode was a thing and it feels exactly the same as it did back then, sure there were players who weren't all lagasses back then and ping limits actually had a purpose and stuff. +150 ping isn't the worst thing, anyone with a stable connection below 350 ping will be hittable always. If you can't hit them, it's an issue on your level of skill. You may not always be able to consistently predict someone, but it's not impossible. That's why the most important thing in Old Netcode is in your movement; dodging.

Nehil wrote:New MP might have issues, some of them is that "you cannot dodge bullets" (you're not really supossed to dodge bullets on an Arena shooter lol its more about timing) but the main one might be that the actual most played maps are maps that were constructed for old mp gameplay, besides that, i think its pointless to keep bringing up old content that shouldn't be "default" anymore due to the actual udpates into the game that exist for a reason.

Um, dodging is the biggest thing this multiplayer has. imagine new netcode scenario. You are in arena, you go into cover. Fortunately for you, you can see that you are in cover. But for the player who has like 150, 250 maybe 300 ping, he can hit you while out of cover and completely kill you. That is COMPLETELY unfair. in Old Netcode, you can only blame yourself when you perform badly. (because you missed, or you failed to dodge, ect)
And that is true, most maps are made to suit old netcode gameplay, but that is quite rare as the standards have changed since new netcode came out and many maps have been unapproved because they don't suit the new gameplay anymore. The ''updates'' that exist for a reason, sure it may have been developed for a reason, but it was IMPLEMENTED TERRIBLY.

Nehil wrote:Just as a side note: I think its a good option to have old mp there, i mean, there are preferences, i just reject the fact that its "Default" config now, it shouldn't be like that imo

True, I think there should be an option so that it saves your last match options, so that you don't have to constantly set it all up. So if I create matches with Frankfurt, when I create a match the default for me should always be frankfurt and stuff like that.

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Re: Why is Old Old Default on approveds now?

Postby alj99 » 19 July 2023, 02:25

broforce1 wrote:and please dont try to cope and say that old netcode is where u dodge and new netcode is where u focus more on killing rather than dodging

This is funny cause quite literally the post after this one the exact thing happened. No need to drag what people we already have to this argument all over again.

This entire thing is really just a war over preference. Imagine a world where the new came first, old came later. Now people will say how their bullets doesn't even hit the enemy at all or phasing or something like that, it lost all intuitiveness something.

Hit reg like new can be seen in other games, and it's pretty common. This is really the only community i've seen that argue about this because two different systems existed and a switch occured.
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