Nowadays, lots of people (mostly newgens) are calling PB2 a "dead flash game", and are shaming people who get good scores in it, or reaches top 1, they are also neglecting the game's value. On the other hand, there are some OGs (Old Gens) who dislike the fact of decreasing the value of PB2. Because in their opinion, PB2 had a golden era back then.
First of all, let's not forget that PB2 is a childhood game, every old player has memories about PB2, especially in old maps such as xnx-base, excl-school, bosscat1-7vs1, terminator-house, max teabag-gunshop, delta501st-zescape, excl-hideandseek, cahir-traps, bosscat1-saw, bosscat1-funny, etc....
And PB2 as flash game, is a miracle that it has Multiplayer (this justifies why the servers are "weak" as pretended by the people who criticize PB2).
In addition, it doesn't matter if PB2 has good or bad netcode, what matters is the memories we had in that game in our childhood. Why was no one trash talking about PB2 back in 2011-2014?
Every old player admits that 2011-2014 is the golden era of PB2.
Therefore, we must not call PB2 a trash game just because there are other games more better. PB2 is a flash game, so It's good as a flash game. Note that there are old players who miss playing in old maps such as the ones I mentioned above.
On other hand, yes PB2 is a semi-dead game because we get like 20 average players per day I assume. Maybe it has a bad new netcode due to tanking and resurrection (which were made on purpose, and nanotech was made as a solution for resurrection).
Despite that, that doesn't mean we can trash talk about PB2 just because it's dead and it can't be like other games such as Apex Legends, Call Of Duty, etc...
If you do not like approved maps, there are custom maps such as saws, bases, etc.. and vice versa.
The problem here is not the players complaining about the game being dead, but the problem is that they shame you for playing PB2, in some situations such as ranked & approved matches.
My point is, do not let negativity rule your thinking. If you like the game, then be it, it's not a shame nor a crime.
If people tell you to go get a life or job, then do not listen to them and think that you are doing something wrong by playing PB2. Because those people who tell you these words are also playing PB2, so they are actually insulting themselves.
In other words, we must not be negative about PB2 just because some or most people are negative.
PB2 is a childhood game, a lovely game, any old player would understand that, and any new player would also understand that, because after few years of not playing the game, the new player will be back and will miss the maps he played back then (which are new).
If we look at PB2 as a normal game and as newbies, we may be right when we call it a trash. But since we are old players, we must be the first ones who knows the real value of PB2, because it's our childhood game that contains our old memories.
To sum up, despite all negative stuff said about PB2, PB2 remains a nice lovely game that represents our childhood memories, not just that but it also contains new features in map making, which makes us more creative.