Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

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Will PB2.5 succeed or flop

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Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby KuU » 22 October 2021, 20:26

I just want to hear other peoples opinions on this, do you think Plazma Burst 2.5 will flop, being dead from the start, or will it succeed, thriving with players?

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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby mingo1 » 22 October 2021, 21:06

I definitely think it will succeed off rip, but I am concerned about its success long term. The game looks amazing on Twitter - and a well-made game with good enough marketing is bound to bring an audience - but there are a lot of games competing for people's attention nowadays!!

I can see myself riding the high of PB3 for a few days/weeks, but then I prob won't play it much afterward... this is also due to my age lol. I'm not a fossil or anything, but there are also "more important" things I'm gonna be doing!

But yes, I expect PB3 to do well at launch and have a surge of players. If player count drops significantly after a few months, is that then considered flop?
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby KuU » 22 October 2021, 21:15

mingo1 wrote:I definitely think it will succeed off rip, but I am concerned about its success long term. The game looks amazing on Twitter - and a well-made game with good enough marketing is bound to bring an audience - but there are a lot of games competing for people's attention nowadays!!

I can see myself riding the high of PB3 for a few days/weeks, but then I prob won't play it much afterward... this is also due to my age lol. I'm not a fossil or anything, but there are also "more important" things I'm gonna be doing!

But yes, I expect PB3 to do well at launch and have a surge of players. If player count drops significantly after a few months, is that then considered flop?

Hello! Yes, i think i would consider a game dying fast to be a flop partially. I do also think that PB2.5 is going to succeed at launch, but theres also a chance it flops on start.
I do hope it doesn't flop, because theres a lot of pontentional.

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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby Longbow Mangudai » 22 October 2021, 22:15

KuU wrote:Hello! Yes, i think i would consider a game dying fast to be a flop partially. I do also think that PB2.5 is going to succeed at launch, but theres also a chance it flops on start.
I do hope it doesn't flop, because theres a lot of pontentional.

Same thing here. I'd like to see it succeed, but you never know how the market is like these days...
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby PotatoAssasin » 22 October 2021, 22:39

KuU wrote:I just want to hear other peoples opinions on this, do you think Plazma Burst 2.5 will flop, being dead from the start, or will it succeed, thriving with players?

Of course it will succeed, we've been waiting for 6 years. :roll:
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby Ayano » 23 October 2021, 09:36

Yeah I'll probably be playing another big game.
It will probably succeed for a few group of die hard fans of the game. But I don't think everyones gonna stick around for long. Could be a success but a short lived one, so my answer is pretty much both but mostly on flop.

I am sure most of my friends who played since 2011~2013 or so on, play other games than a 2.5 platformer shooter anymore
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby astrodex pl » 23 October 2021, 13:00

i think it will fail because no one plays pb2 nowdays and i lost most of my intrest in pb2.5 and some pb2 players are grown up people they have a job or they have alot of work to do after school collage or what ever so they dont have too much time for video games
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby Fixer21 » 23 October 2021, 19:28

If sync-issues in multiplayer will be gone, it has a huge chance of success. Easy/simple as that.

If not... well, rip from me.
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby Gorrdon Frreeman » 24 October 2021, 07:22

If Eric put crowbar in it then we win

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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby JDC5 » 24 October 2021, 20:25

It's gonna flop. Nobody gives a damn about this game or Eric anymore. Eric got the hype up for PB2.5 at first, but with taking his sweet time no one truly cares anymore. Most of us have lives, wives, girlfriends and possibly children now. If Eric can come up with a way to find a totally brand new fanbase that actually plays the game and fix these terrible servers and client base bs, it's gonna flop hard. No one has time for this 2D garbage anymore. There's a million more games out there better than this game anyway. Just saying :(

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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby yi en » 26 October 2021, 10:41


As it follows:
PB2.5 was supposed to be released on 2015, but now it's currently being postponed until now.
Let's look at the standards on 2021, even in indie spot, I don't think at that rate the graphics, storylines or the features would match the market though.

Sure, it may success. But how long? I don't think it took long term success.

The most impact the PB2.5 will come at this rate is making veteran players coming back to play, or record/stream for few days, at most few weeks. Then for the sake of how community had become they would just left the game and said that "this game is not over my expectations" and Plazma Burst series will come to the end.

Yeah, from what I knew throughout the news or updates, still doesn't find a reason why PB2.5 will blow as expected.

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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby molis » 26 October 2021, 10:57


So what i'm thinking:
Plazma Burst 2.5/3 is a game where you can fight the new enemies, visiting the new level editor, coding, making custom decorations and skins, visiting details on weapons, enemies, and do hard things that some people would remember from Open-Source codes for PB2.5/3.
The ways that make coding powerful on new level editor is because of Eric Gurt's intelligence, we can imagine things now, like Capture the Flag, Fighting players with super-powers, and making save files.

Where would it release? Well, to my point, people would start moving on projects, life, and health.
Now to my point, i don't know how would Eric Gurt solve his fanbase where they would quit on PB2, to be honest, Plazma Burst 2.5/3 could have been released if only Eric Gurt wanted to be a small or a bit big game, but he expanded even further, which is good, but bad when people forget about Plazma Burst, sometimes they forget about it, sometimes they'll remember them, it doesn't matter which.

The future of Plazma Burst Community can wait for it.

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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby Gashadokuro » 27 October 2021, 11:07

The unrivalled master of flash game development in the Internet sphere was certainly Eric Gurtini, a (supposedly) Ukrainian developer who was inspired by the daydreaming of his childhood, and created one of the best and most meticulous flash games that history has ever seen: Plazma Burst: Forward to the Past (2009). A masterpiece that
perfectly encapsulated the Flash era with every level.

Now he is drunk every Saturday, and in her instinct of self-preservation for herself and her children, the wife fights for the few pennies which she wangles from his Patreon, and frequently her sole opportunity is on his way from the
house to the office. When he finally comes home on Sunday or Monday night, drunk and brutal, but always without a last cent and penny, then God have mercy on his development.
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby broforce1 » 29 August 2023, 13:24

the problem isnt only with the game being good at launch and stay consistent, but it wont really have a long term success, that needs marketing and advertising, but i dont think that eric can do that by himself.

now despite pb3 may fix the issues that is existed in pb2, we still have to get good constant updates that brings new content, without em the game will lose more players again, all what i see on eric is that hes is making a game for fun and hes just sharing his work with others and then move on with life, dont expect it to have a long term success if eric wont be ready for investing
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby maxim12 » 1 September 2023, 15:36

Something tells me It's gonna flop, by that I mean it wont have the boom of players as Plazmaburst 2 did at It's very start.

The era of 2D platformer flash games has died already, mostly because Flash has ended It's support, so In my opinion, Eric will need to make both the game and the marketing very exceptional if he wants the game to have consistent and thriving fanbase.
Oh 2014 version of Maxim12, what wisdom do you want to share from your maps?

Wow, so much wisdom! Thank you for enlightening us.
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby Pb2 D » 7 September 2023, 01:01

Depends on Eric Gurt's approach.
To be an optimist, I have hope that Eric Gurt will market the game correctly and present it in it's entire complete state the way it's meant to be.
PB3 as a product overdoes any other passion project I've ever seen, but what he really needs to do is nail presentation and marketing. That's what gets new players, but what keeps them is good game design. Issue with PB2 is that it was rushed, the game design if you look at closely is actually really bad and unfriendly.

I want to say a lot more on this matter but it might confuzzle the message.

So, it's pretty much nada to bother to predict PB3's failure/success. It's a great game, but can Eric Gurt carry that great game to the top of the ladder?

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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby CakeSpider » 23 September 2023, 11:41

I dont know if PB2.5/3 will succeed or flop, but what I know for sure is that War Thunder is the largest free-to-play multiplayer online combat vehicle game. Samples from a variety of wars and conflicts are available - from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. Aircraft, ground forces and navy fight together in the same battle, just as they did in real battles. War Thunder can be played on PC (Windows or Linux), Mac, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

In War Thunder you can try out thousands of real-life models of aircraft, attack helicopters, ground vehicles and warships in a wide variety of combat situations that are practically not represented in other multiplayer projects. You will fire from bomber turrets at enemies hanging on your tail, cover your comrades from air raids with rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns, rain down a hail of shells on the enemy from a multiple launch rocket system, or engage in battle with a destroyer on a torpedo bomber.
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby broforce1 » 23 September 2023, 14:40

hes is what i really think, pb2.5 is multiplayer and the campaign is pb3, so it depends on whats going to succeed or whats going to fail, the game will both succeed and fail and here is why, if people is gonna recommend playing pb3 because it has a good campaign then pb3 succeeds, as for pb2.5, its gonna flop cuz yk hence its multiplayer then it may likely to lose players, unless if eric knows how to bring new players and keep players playing the game then it wont flop, ofc if the campaign wasnt good then its gonna flop so yeah idk we shall see in the future.
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby Girl_Power » 27 September 2023, 20:43


1. Barely anyone knows about PB1 or PB2.

2. No one plays on downloaded PC platform anymore ever since Flash died.

3. The PB2 community is dead, so how will PB2.5/PB3 gain more players then PB2?

4. With the appeals of other games on other platforms, PB2.5/PB3 will not gain any attention.
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Re: Do you think PB2.5 will succeed or flop?

Postby alj99 » 28 September 2023, 13:08

broforce1 wrote:hes is what i really think, pb2.5 is multiplayer and the campaign is pb3.

Pretty sure it's the other way around.
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