Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

General Discussion related to the Plazma Burst game series!

What do you think is the best health cap for future approved maps?

130 to 300 health.
130 to 250 health.
130 to 200 health.
150 to 300 health.
150 to 250 health.
150 to 200 health.
100 to 300 health.
100 to 250 health.
100 to 200 health.
Total votes : 115

Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby Dandamage » 20 January 2018, 19:07

This is a poll to know the users' opinion on the health limitations of approved maps. Currently the new approved maps must follow a requirements list found in the following link:

http://www.plazmaburst2.com/level_edito ... roval.html

One of the requirements is setting the health of all players to either 130 or 150 for all maps trying to be approved. No other values are currently accepted with some small exceptions.

Please make sure you read all options and think carefully because the vote cannot be changed once submitted.
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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby Eric Gurt » 20 January 2018, 20:02

I'd say it is better to generally stick to 1-3 shot kills since current state of PB2's network connection quality would not work very well with higher values (and will turn enemies into bullet sponges).

Also higher hitpoints usually will mean shift towards "Switch between two most powerful weapons for higher DPS" strategy which is a bit less attractive (as to me) when compared to "Player with faster reflexes has chance to win if he either shoots first or dodges shots in time".

Also wall-penetrating projectiles as well as reflected shots will make no sense in high hitpoint matches.

I'd say higher hitpoints are fine while map is meant to be played in specific way. Though differences in hitpoints from map to map can be kind of unexpected for players who are trying to understand game mechanics (same I'd say about zoom scale, game speed, gravity strength, weapon damage manipulations etc).
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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby Sniper J » 25 January 2018, 03:15

I think weapons like snipers, rays and rails should remain a one-shot kill, since for the most part, that's how they are, aside from the occasional luck of tanking a hit.

Guns like pistols, shotguns and rifles should require at least three or more, depending on the weapon and it's rate of fire.

Rockets is usually a one shot kill, sometimes it isn't. It really depends on where you hit them or where the hitboxes are.

The BNG has always been a one-shot kill, if you hit the player directly or relatively close to them, not sure if that would change, and the cloud gun should follow the same guidelines as a rifle or shotgun.

The new gun, while I don't like it, is a three-shot kill, with it something being a 4-6 kill shot, depending on the accuracy.

As for shooting through walls, the only guns that can do that through the thickest would be the alien rifle, sniper, ray gun and the one pistol that can shoot through walls. I think if you're shooting through a wall, the damage dealt by that weapon should be in proportion to the damage it deals without a wall in the way. Like a ray gun deals more damage than a pistol, so obviously it should take two shots if shooting through a wall and like 4-5 shots with a pistol.

The only other thing I can think of is ricochets, which can be done with rails and any gun that shoots a "bullet." I think the damage from the gun should still be the same, since it is not passing through any object, only bouncing off of it.

I think the max HP should be kept relatively the same, since most of the weapons are reasonable with the amount of damage they do, however I don't have any protest to slightly raising the maximum HP level .

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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby Zyra Xov » 25 January 2018, 20:10

The 130/150 hitpoint values are pretty much pretty nice, but more or less health might be useful for approved maps, where very high damage/high environmental* damage weapons are used, such as
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-Drone Gun (is this allowed in approved maps?)
-(anything else?)
-(and modded guns)**

And, since 130 and 150 are 20 points apart, there should be a few more set values of 20 point intervals, such as
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*By environmental, I mean knockback-based or explosive weapons that can easily cause death by wall-slamming.
**Are modded guns allowed?
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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby 49er » 30 January 2018, 14:43

100-250 is the best range imo. 250 is the most strategic, and 100 is the most tactical. Anything higher or lower produces unmeaningful play.
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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby AI Robot » 23 February 2018, 04:47

I think that it should be from (Min)120-220(Max)
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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby lostmydollar » 23 February 2018, 14:59

it's better to leave it as is

higher health would make one shot-one kill weapons useless, make quick weapon switching tactics more common, make laggers become less vulnerable, allow players to jump from the heights without breaking their legs, etc.
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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby Hikarikaze » 24 February 2018, 01:34

I always found 130-225 HP to be a comfortable and balanced enough range. 130 allows for quick 1-2 second TTKs and promotes better reaction times while 225 gives higher survivability and more tactical gameplay without extending the TTK too much. 130 and 150 HP alone just don't and can't work with every map
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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby maxim12 » 28 February 2018, 16:45

I personaly think that 150-250 should be good.

I dont think weapons like Alien shotgun should be able to 1 shot-kill, it should be the role for slot 4 weapons or other heavy weapons like BNG.
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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby Reverse- » 2 April 2018, 23:39

I'm thinking that it should remain the same as it is:

-Obviously it depends how the map maker makes the map and what weaponary he/she puts in it.

-Increasing the health while players with 200 ping or more can be a bit complicated and unequal.

-Rays, snipers, rails usually depends on one shot kills and should not be changed depending on the guns power.

-I don't see how it's a problem now if it should have been "resolved" earlier since no one has been complaining about it all this time we lived with the health cap we have right now.

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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby Agent York 2 » 2 April 2018, 23:41

I'm thinking that it should remain the same as it is:

-Obviously it depends how the map maker makes the map and what weaponary he/she puts in it.

-Increasing the health while players with 200 ping or more can be a bit complicated and unequal.

-Rays, snipers, rails usually depends on one shot kills and should not be changed depending on the guns power.

-I don't see how it's a problem now if it should have been "resolved" earlier since no one has been complaining about it all this time we lived with the health cap we have right now.

Like I said, it depends on the map structure and the guns such as the new ones.

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Re: Poll for Health Cap in Approved Maps

Postby artichokecat » 19 September 2018, 03:28

130 seems good fr not always dying to fall damage.
250 seems good if it's a more spamfest sort of map.

What we have right now is pretty good though.
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