First idea is Shield on player. It will take energy for damage
(stronger damage - more energy taking) and take all damage from
bullets, rockets, part of damage from Railguns (but shield will
destroyed) and miss damage from BNG, plazma launchers and ray guns
(last 2 will break shield). Also it can be as selfsaving: if player
have <30% from his health, automatically activates EMP, then activates
Obliviously, Walker's bullet will drop the shield.
Second idea is EMP. It working as portable module and will take ALL
energy from ALL players (expect player - activator) in radius.
Disabling swords for 30+N seconds. Needs many energy. Players without
energy will be stunned and killed. Androids get stunned and going into
dying state. Taking over Rockets, Walker's bullets. Also stun Walkers,
Cars and Corvettes, deal very big damage to Drones. Radius of EMP -
1-15 meters. (on 1-3 meters EMP deals blackout, stuns, energy taking
and kills, 4-8 - blackout, energy taking and stuns (only for cars and
robots), 8-10 - blackout and energy taking, 10-15 - only energy
Third idea about Defibrilator. Maybe it shouldn't be electroshock? If
all - I think PB 2.5 needs EMP weapons (like electroshock from FttP or
Railguns). And weapons like Ray guns, Railguns, Plazma launchers
Fourth idea is combat system. Swords is good, really. But why not to
make clubs, for example? Or take for swords new functions? Lower about
Melee weapons is Clubs, Knives and Heavy weapon.
First will deal small damage to armored players, medium damage to
unarmored players and will be dying unarmored from behind. Second deal
medium damage to armored players, huge to unarmored and kill unarmored
from behind. Third will lower player's speed. Deals huge damage to all
and instantly kill unarmored.
Fifth idea is about swords (:D). I think swords must block or parry.
Also it is from energy, so can be activated and costs energy. Then on
0 slot can be melee weapon OR swords. Swords will kill player without
armor. From behind swords kill instantly.
Sixth idea is Armor. If player need more defense - he will take this
modification. Slowing when on player, but now he can't be killed with
swords from 1-2 hits. Also it takes damage from bullets.
Seventh idea just for MP. It is about vehicles. Add it to MP (don't
see anyone MP map...).
Eighth idea is Parachute and Jump Kick. If player jumps from big
height, he can activate Parachute and slowly drop to ground. Also he
can activate Jump Kick and kill all in radius (5 meters) and deal
damage to others (10 meters).
Ninth idea is Battlesuit. Now it can be modificated. But player can
insert only 5(6 on high ranks) modifications. Also in matches players
will be in suits or no. (It will effect on weapons: players without
suits can't take heavy guns, only Pistols, Rifles, Defibs and
Shotguns. And melee weapon).
Tenth idea is about taking vehicle gun. Player with Battlesuit and
modificator can take off guns from vehicle (if it neutral).