How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby ultimas » 14 May 2017, 17:42

Ayano wrote:I did not make this name to be honest.
i was just thinking of a good username for 30 mins. and nothing.
Not until i asked my sister for good names.
She gave me a list of Names alphabetically
I only picked Ayano cuz it just caught my Eye.

i belive me
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby Ghost Killer823 » 17 May 2017, 01:14

My user name is the exact same name that I personally use on Xbox Live, and I decided to go with it instead of creating a different user name.
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby MLG COOL DOMINIK » 16 June 2017, 13:41

WolfMaster12 wrote:
MLG COOL DOMINIK wrote: COOL has 3 letters

Are you sure about that?

oops XD i meant 4 letters lol ;) ;) ;)
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby Agent Delta » 28 August 2018, 17:48

I came up with agent delta because i use it for other flash games like Strike Force Heros and Raze.

Plus it sounded cool at the time
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby eru_ » 28 August 2018, 17:56

Yeah a long story but it's really long and top secret btw my list of my names are
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby GZ55 » 28 August 2018, 18:57

This one's going to be a doozy since I have many alts.

Android GZ-55: Shorthand form of GodZilla55, with "Android" appended at the start. 55 is one of my favourite numbers; sorry bloodspilla55, Arthur 55, JDC55, etc.

GZ55: Android GZ-55, sans the "Android". This was my main account on Plazma Burst 2 for a year or so.

Aleph_00: Another way of referring to the value "aleph-null", which is the size of the set of all natural numbers. In set theory, it is one of the ways mathematicians refer to infinity.

Illinear: The name of a top-tier spacecraft purchasable in the flash game Enigmata.

Odd1sh: The name of one of my favourite Pokémon, Oddish, with the "i" replaced with a "1".

Dimensiov: The name of a region in the flash game Ball Revamped 4: Amplitude by jmtb02.

SKYfoogle: The name of a creature in one of Michael Rosen's stories. Michael Rosen is a British children's author turned meme a few years ago.

scripteur511: "Scripteur" is French for "someone who has written a manuscript, or is adept at doing so". It's a reference to my writing skills. 511 is a random number.

SevenFortySeven: 747, or the model number of one of Boeing's iconic aircraft, the Boeing 747 passenger jet.

xtcdream: "XTC" is the shorthand form of "ecstasy", a common name for MDMA, a strong stimulant drug. This gives the phrase "ecstasy dream", or a dream experienced while one is on ecstasy.

Apotheosis: The act of rising to god status.

55-: Similar to GZ55, but I can use the Blank username exploit by removing the dash at the end, too.

Overengineering: No idea LOLZ

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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby sbilko » 1 September 2018, 21:28

It's how my family and friends called me when I was little
+ a typo :P

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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby Luminary » 25 January 2019, 01:29

prometheansoldier wrote:Promethean Soldier, however, is the name I got from an Alien Covenant in a game Halo. That's all for now.

That's not a Covenant unit. It's a converted Forerunner.
Learn your Halo lore, chief.

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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby Ahrora » 16 February 2019, 22:38

Aurora was already taken by someone so I simply named myself Ahrora instead.
Definitely not the real Ahrora, the real Ahrora was taken by Aliens.
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby phsc » 19 February 2019, 23:45

I don't remember if I made a post in this thread explaining why my name is phsc, but I will do it again.
Few things to consider, the 10 year old Phsc realy liked physics, and I wanted to be a theoretical physicist when I grew up, before that I wanted to design MiGs for the USSR but then I realized it did not exist and I would like starve or something but ok, actually I think I still can become a theoretical physicist but meh.

So your intuition probably says "physics was taken so you went with that" but no, actually it was not my account is younger than this dude's ... id=1457872

By the way a interesting life slogan at the very least
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Anyway, so why did I not pick physics? the 10 year old me could speak terrible english and I was imagining people when reading "phsc" would read it as "physics" and actually it kinda happens sometimes when it is not like "peichnscee" or "phisk" or something like that, and the fact that I was a long term planner and since PB2 is the first MP game account I made I wanted a username I could use in other places so I picked PHSC because, well, that is the abbreviation of my real life name! which is pretty interesting, also phsc is quite a remarkable name, easy to remember, easy to type, great for map IDs, good for things such as Discord, also maybe at the time, terrible to put with clan tags but I did not know that and I would've probably said a deliciously exquisite pizza sauce it.

Anyway, I still use this name a lot, it has a few variations, PhscZ for when phsc is taken, or add a 7 to the end because like 60% of human population has 7 as their luck number or something I saw that on r/coolguides and yikes my Reddit has both a Z and a 7 on it amazing!

In real life people call me PZ which makes me look like a drug dealer until you see I'm just some random nerd or something I don't know.

In DOTA I changed my name to a bunch of crap, really great names such as "torrent seeder" because there is a hero called Kunkka that is a pirate and has a skill called Torrent and I love DOTA 2 for that kind of stuff but I don't even like Kunkka that much but I did use that name on a smurf a lot, 322 because it is one of the most generic names for generic ranked queue, sorroW^ as a mid name because uh ^ and - at the end of names is a DOTA thing and sorroW sounds badass or something for a core PogChamp player name? and many others some I don't even remember

The only downside of phsc as a name is that there is some random school with the name of PHSC or something but I mean searching phsc pb2 already shows up a lot of old PB2 clan websites or something please don't its cringe

If you search phsc dota 2 you go to my dotafire account which was made when I was quite new so that is why it still has the name of phsc.

And I guess that is it, not much else related to my nickname.
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby Tempus » 20 February 2019, 19:52

Had an old guild Named Tempus Fugit -- means Time Flies

and at the time I was called Shadoww / Eldestwolf -- Shadoww was from sonic (love this name to this day)

Eldestwolf -- my love for wolves and eldest reminds me of kinda lone wolf ect

I liked the concept of the name Tempus Fugit and what it means

I really like time so Tempus

and then I thought of the name Ava - Avalade which is a name i like aswell.
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby MLG COOL DOMINIK » 20 February 2019, 19:56

phsc wrote:I don't remember if I made a post in this thread explaining why my name is phsc, but I will do it again.
Few things to consider, the 10 year old Phsc realy liked physics, and I wanted to be a theoretical physicist when I grew up, before that I wanted to design MiGs for the USSR but then I realized it did not exist and I would like starve or something but ok, actually I think I still can become a theoretical physicist but meh.

No wonder why your name reminds me of physics.

Anyways the dumb idiot i was in the past chose this name because i thought mlg was cool, i put cool because again, me dumb self, dominik is my real name.
Tada, worst username in history

I still to this day regret this username (insert video of tf2 scout regretting everything he has done)
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby generaltahsin » 20 February 2019, 20:20

When I was younger, I thought ranks and rank names were so cool so I made my nickname generaltahsin. Now I regret it and want to change my nickname to Kumpir because I really like it and it's simple.

And yes I know it means potato in some languages, but still, I am used to Kumpir.
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby Incompetence » 20 February 2019, 21:19

my name summarizes my inability to make an edgy name for use here. pb2's the only place where I use this name atm because so far I never have this problem anywhere else lmao
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby MLG COOL DOMINIK » 24 February 2019, 12:46

Oriental wrote:
MLG COOL DOMINIK wrote:Im mlg cool dominik because when you get
and put it in order you can see that MLG has 3 letters COOL 3 letters and DOMINIK 6 letters and thats why im MLG COOL DOMINIK

And I'm mlg ultra swag demonic because when you get
and put it in order you can see that MLG has 10 letters ULTRA 2 letters and
SWAG 5 letters and DEMONIC 5 letters and thats why im MLG ULTRA SWAG DEMONIC

why did you just come here to be an asshole to me?
I have a feeling ECC9 is your alt.
Just don't come back, thanks.
And i obviously made a new "How'd you come across Your PB2 username?" comment about my username.
Nobody actually plays this game now, do they?
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby Protonoid » 25 February 2019, 10:14

Icon Icon wrote:Icon Icon happens to be my real name, so I decided to make it a Plazma Burst 2 Game-play name.

What? Really? No offense but it's kinda awkward.

Mine, eh, don't remember where it came.
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby Fellow » 25 February 2019, 10:19

Well, I decided to pick up a nickname which no one. And decided to do one Fellow. It is rare and fits the verb Follow
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby chaos dragon » 25 February 2019, 11:06

So I named this account chaos dragon because It's from a game called Final Fantasy and there is a boss called Chaos and I was about to name it Chaos in PB2 but it's taken so I named it Chaos Dragon and it sounds more cool to me.
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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby RayGun_ » 3 June 2020, 11:24

My favorite gun is RayGun from COD series.
So i named myself.There already was raygun,so i added _ in end of my name.

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Re: How'd You Come across Your PB2 Username?

Postby Girl_Power » 3 June 2020, 22:29

My name was purely a joke. This account was meant to be a one time use on a special occasion but everyone got so caught up with my username already that I decided to stick with it then. I'm sort of glad I made that decision because honestly, my name is pretty iconic by this point.

I still get hate mails from people I've never met before just because of my name. How many times do I have to tell people that my name is a joke and I'm not even a feminist?
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