Hey all,
Wondering if the forum community has any favorite songs they have on FreeMusicArchive/Newgrounds that they would like to share. I'm kinda gassed out from trying to find good new songs on either site, so I thought I would ask you guys. If they meet the qualifications for use in maps (i.e. at least five stars on NG, etc) that would be great.
Since it would be stingy to not share some of my favorites, I'll start.
Northern Lullaby by Sergey Cheremisinov. This one has to be one of my top favorites, as the song just has a calming effect without any vocals. Made in FMA.
Left For Deadish by junior85. Has a PB:FTTP-esque feature to it and its pretty good on repeat. Made in FMA.
Crime Scene by AliceMako. Really has a nice vibe to it and it feels like a sin to press the pause button mid-way through. Made in NG.