PlazmaBurst StandAlone

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PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby Tempus » 7 October 2020, 21:33

Hi everyone!

Eric created a PB Launcher! It's pretty neat. You can get it here

Once you installed it, I dragged the PB2 folder to my desktop.

Click on PB2Launcher -- It will probably ask you to install .NET (it should take you directly to the Microsoft page. Follow the instructions and download x86 (32-bit) version, even if your operating system is 64-bit. It's really easy)

After that, click on it again and the Launcher should open.

Use your login information to login.


We think it has a lot of potential. This forum post is for everyone to comment ideas, feedback and bugs.

Let us know what you want to see attached to it!
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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby Tommy9 » 7 October 2020, 21:41

One word: epic
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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby Nexus B » 7 October 2020, 21:57

Doesnt crash and works just like browser version of game. Also my campaign progress is saved here too and launcher looks cool.
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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby Tempus » 7 October 2020, 22:28

Here are some things I think would be useful for the Launcher.

• Friends online
• Inbox?
• A chat?

I could think of a few ideas that would only work with Pb3 and perhaps is only best to keep it a secret to prevent possible spoiling.
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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby yi en » 8 October 2020, 02:03

One sentence: old version of minecraft launcher, still decent.

Edit: If eric is willing to post previous few version just like minecraft does it will be perfect launcher.
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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby mohamed2013 » 8 October 2020, 10:37

I have suggestions :
Add all website pages to the standalone :)
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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby Zufix » 8 October 2020, 19:31

Awesome! Always wanted something like this. Other than the obvious improvement that could be done to its UI, I think it's great! Another cool feature would be an integration of the Inbox, and maybe even the map editor. However, I personally still think most of Erics time should be spent on making the sequel, unless somebody else is working on the launcher.
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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby kaytp » 9 October 2020, 10:30

OMG!!!! FINALY !!!!

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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby DestroyerV2 » 9 October 2020, 10:40

i get hit by horrible frame rates and the promise of having "better fps for some players" didnt really happen to me, guess im not part of the "some players"

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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby Jerry- » 9 October 2020, 15:07

there is a missing file on my own pc can't run this version lol sad
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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby DestroyerV2 » 9 October 2020, 16:30

would also be good if i can actually see my stats without needing to switch to a browser just to view how much sp i gained...

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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby Rajhit » 10 October 2020, 05:48

It's faster, better, and all; but, what will happen with level editor that also needs Flash Player?
and maybe also put PB1 in the launcher, like a little detail
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Re: PlazmaBurst StandAlone

Postby Nyove » 10 October 2020, 07:27

Dear fellow PB2 staff, administrators as well as Eric Gurt,

I would like to raise awareness to an issue that some of us faced.
On a 64 bit OS, installing .NET core on 64 bit doesn't seem to work (the PB2 launcher gave back the same prompt to install .NET core). However, installing .NET core on 32 bit seems to resolve the issue. The same issue happened to me as well.

Forum topics for reference / more explanation:

This issue only seemed to happen with a portion for the user who is using 64bit OS.

Best regards,
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