- · Big network code update - special lobby made for new version of multiplayer. It was made to bring best possible hit detection and hide effects of network delay as well as connection unreliability.
- 2019's highly voted fan art submissions were added to the game.
- Improved hit detection for both singleplayer and multiplayer. Instead of relying on full-player hit-boxes, per-limb hit-detection is applied whenever projectile-to-player collision is being checked now.
- Eliminations that are caused by explosions are shown properly in multiplayer chat now.
- Grenades should no longer spawn on the wrong side of walls when player stands too close when firing grenade launchers.
- Experience & Skill Points were integrated into game interface. This feature is fully optional though.
- Less start-up clicks to get into game (if auto-login feature enabled).
- Faster default respawn times in ranked Multiplayer.
- Higher regeneration delay in ranked Multiplayer.
- Weapons reload automatically on each round change (ranked COOP mode).
- Weapons reload automatically when scattered on map & far from any player (ranked DM & TDM).
- Recently dropped weapons are no longer picked up unless 1 second passes.
- Fixed some issues related to players not firing their weapons on other players' screen.
- New hit sounds can be enabled.
- Beep sound can be disabled.
- Screen fade can be disabled.
- Suggestions for Custom Map and Multiplayer match Map ID added.
- Player teams are shown in lobby now.
- Map previews were added to match browser and match lobby.
- Projectile correction & cancellation (new netcode only)
Site -
- - Player Points (PP) and Predicted Player Points (PPP) were renamed into Average Skill Points (AVP) and Skill Points (SP)
- Player invites.
- Experience levels added. Players will receive experience points for activity in both multiplayer, custom maps and singleplayer. Additionally extra points will be given to invitator (20%) as well as map owner (1%).
- Map owners can multiply player's experience received for playing their maps by 140%, but only once per session time (which is around 12 hours).
Advanced Level Editor -
- - Custom images can be uploaded & used for backgrounds as well as decorations
- Backgrounds can be drawn in front of players
- Backgrounds can be set to not spawn shadow maps at the area they cover
- Decorations can be drawn in front of players
- Map previewing in Level Editor added
- New sky presets, wall surfaces
- New trigger actions:
- Decoration > Set decoration X scale to value 'B'.
Decoration > Set decoration Y scale to value 'B'.
Character > Set intensity scale of entity pushing force for player 'A' (default 0).
Character > Set radius of entity pushing force for player 'A' (default 200).
Character > Set Character 'A' voice preset to 'B'.
Character > Add ghost effect to Character 'A'.
Character > Remove ghost effect from Character 'A'.
Trigger execution > Continue trigger actions execution only if loading of custom images has been finished.
Trigger execution > Continue trigger actions execution only if all custom images have been successfully loaded (any error will prevent execution until map is restarted).
Var > Save current number of loaded custom images to variable 'A'.
Var > Save number of expected custom images on current level to variable 'A'.
Region > Silently teleport player-initiator from Region 'A' to Region 'B'.
Var > Set variable 'A' to 1 if compromised song should play (if non-dying enemy is hunting player or player is hunting non-dying enemy). Sets to value 0.5 in case if song should be played more quietly (if there are non-dying enemies within radius of 400px). In else case sets to 0
Character > Apply damage-over-time effect to player-initiator with power 'A' and duration 'B' (30 duration = 1 second).
Character > Remove all effects from player-initiator.
Region > Spawn damage particles of Character 'A' at the center of Region 'B'.
Sound > Play sound 'A' at Region 'B' (volume and stereo effect won't be updated once sound starts).
Experience > Reward player with experience points for level completion (singleplayer).
Experience > Reward player-initiator with experience points for level completion (multiplayer).
Gun > Override existing Gun 'A' with a new gun with model 'B'.
Trigger > Bind Trigger 'A' execution to key 'B' press event.
Trigger > Bind Trigger 'A' execution to key 'B' release event.
Var > Set Character 'A' color pattern to string-value of variable 'B' (4 small letters for each limb, each represents first symbol of color in lowercase).
Gameplay > Disable automatic disabling of offscreen entities (automatic disabling is enabled by default).
Gameplay > Enable automatic disabling of offscreen entities (automatic disabling is enabled by default).
Decoration > Mask Decoration 'A' with Decoration 'B'
Var > Set value of variable 'A' to value of variable with name of string-value of variable 'B'
Var > Set string-value of variable 'A' to string-value 'B' while replacing all variable names found in string-value with corresponding variable values
Var > Override existing Gun 'A' with a new gun with model by string-value of variable 'B'
Character > Set jump multiplier for player 'A' to value 'B'
Decoration > Set decoration 'A' visibility multiplier to value 'B' (0...1)
Var > Set decoration 'A' visibility multiplier to value of variable 'B' (0...1)