[OLD] 500 Twitter followers!

News related to PlazmaBurst and its community features!

[OLD] 500 Twitter followers!

Postby Tempus » 12 October 2016, 23:24


I'd thought I would make a post to thank everyone for 500 twitter followers! I know we're at 496 and 1,519 on Eric's, non-the-less I would like to thank everyone that followed @PlazmaBurstTeam and @Eric_Gurt.

It's really awesome for us to see your feedback and ideas. As always we like to keep you up-to-date with everything. Expect more work/events from us once Pb2.5 is "officially announced".

I'd like to announce that once @PlazmaBurstTeam reaches 500 followers, we will release a unique unseen Pb2.5 image, showing you AI Proxies 4v4 on egrw with randomly spawned guns. Nothing new except red projectile!

Best Regards,

The Admin Team
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